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Letters to the Editor

Hear what members of our community have to say about Ellen!

Bedford needs Ellen Calves’ tireless problem-solving skills

I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse the reelection of Ellen Calves as Bedford town supervisor. Additionally, I strongly encourage our community to vote for Bobbi Bittker and Thomas Catoliato for Bedford Town Board. These individuals have each demonstrated a profound commitment to the best interests of our town’s residents.

Ellen Calves has a tireless work ethic and takes time to understand the complexities of town issues and find effective solutions. We need Ellen’s exceptional problem-solving skills for the collective benefit of our community.

Among other achievements, Ellen has proven herself an advocate for sustainability, environmental preservation and the conservation of Bedford’s distinctive character. Ellen has championed environmental protection and the preservation of open spaces, serving all of Bedford. Ellen supported soliciting input from our hamlets and the subsequent adoption of an updated Climate Action Plan to serve as a framework for efforts to enhance our air quality and overall environment.

Further, the successful partnership between the town and Bedford 2030 has resulted in Bedford achieving certification as a Silver Climate Smart Community, a remarkable accomplishment shared by only 10 municipalities across New York. Also, working with Ellen to become a top-ranked Clean Energy Community, the Town of Bedford secured grants exceeding $100,000 for charging stations, bike racks, bus shelters, and other valuable community enhancements.

It is imperative that we reelect Ellen Calves as town supervisor to continue her unwavering commitment to putting the needs of our entire community at the forefront of all her actions. Her dedication to understanding what is most needed for Bedford’s future and her track record of positive accomplishments make her the ideal supervisor.

Let’s join together in supporting Ellen Calves, Bobbi Bittker and Thomas Catoliato to ensure a bright and prosperous future for our beloved town.

Karen Sabath


As printed in the Record Review Oct 14, 2023

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Bedford incumbents have delivered impressive results

Per the coverage of the candidates for local Bedford elections (“Four candidates for Bedford Town Board share hopes and views,” Oct.13), it’s clear that Supervisor Ellen Calves and town board members Bobbi Bittker and Tom Catoliato have delivered impressive results for their constituents. Bedford has benefitted from improved water, sewer, highway and cellular infrastructure, along with a variety of successful clean energy initiatives. They’ve supported public safety with new police training and community engagement programs, along with tax incentives for our first responders. They will continue to work transparently for a revitalized community with affordable public programs and economic development efforts, all while holding the line on taxes and maintaining the town’s superior AAA bond rating.

In addition, County Legislator Erika Pierce has supported Bedford through landmark single-use plastics reduction, investing millions in area parks and supporting common sense public safety initiatives. 

Conversely, their opponents offer little more than criticisms and unfounded grievances. There’s much to do in 2024, so next month let’s reelect these hardworking public servants to keep Bedford moving forward.

Lloyd Trufelman


As printed in the Record Review Oct 28, 2023

Sustained success in Bedford reflects candidate choices

We moved from New York City over 30 years ago. We were very lucky to discover a town so rich in its beauty, its vitality and its commitment to community — and with change happening so rapidly, not all for the best — Bedford remains as special as ever.

I believe this sustained success is a reflection of its residents and their choices for town officials. Regardless of Party, they all share a love for the community and respect for its residents. Washington could learn a lot about cooperation, common-good and common sense from our town.

As we enter another election cycle, I’m excited to hear new ideas and meet new people who are hopeful of moving Bedford forward. I was concerned that the current all-Democratic town board might not have the balance needed to advance the initiatives of all our residents. 

Here are a few accomplishments over the last two years. Determine for yourself if they are personally motivated, serve party over progress or demonstrate a diversity of ideas designed to build a better Bedford:

Open space protection and access; acquired 80 pristine acres at Buxton Gorge, adding public trails for all to enjoy for generations.

Expanded services, like adding a full-time senior advocate, while staying under the tax cap (which help ease all our taxes) and improving seniors quality-of-life.

Increased transparency, public discussion and accountability through fewer consent agenda items at board meetings — the more we know the better they govern.

Bedford ranked No. 1 in New York state as a Clean Energy Community.

Alan Cohen

Bedford Hills

As printed in the Record Review Oct 28, 2023

Bedford leaders have expanded town services and programs

Another election season is upon us and another opportunity to let our voices be heard through our democratic process. While some focus on the high-profile national elections, these days local elections couldn’t be more important. In this election I am happy to be able to support Ellen Calves for reelection as Bedford town supervisor, along with Bobbi Bittker and Thomas Catoliato for Bedford Town Board. Ellen, Bobbi and Thomas are a strong team with diverse backgrounds, and they are good for Bedford.

Bedford is a more vibrant community today than it has been in a long time. There is so much to do for all ages and this is a credit to the efforts of the town board, which has expanded services and programs in the recreation and parks department, as well as partnering with local businesses and nonprofits to enable initiatives like the Katonah Art Walk, robust library programing, and the upcoming Bedford Music Festival. The music festival is an exciting new event (last year was the first) thanks to Destination 39.3, an organization that Ellen was instrumental in creating.  

Ellen, Bobbi and Thomas work hard every day to find innovative solutions and to make Bedford the best it can be. I look forward to seeing them reelected and continuing the good work they have been doing.

Sally Casey


As printed in the Record Review Oct 14, 2023

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