Engaged. Effective.
Letters to the Editor
Ellen has the strategic, legal, financial, and community organizing background to take on a diverse goals, build consensus, and get things done.
Hear what members of our community have to say about Ellen!
Has strategic planning and leadership abilities to meet town’s challenges
It’s getting very close to Election Day on Nov. 2, and some readers may still be deciding who they will vote for in the race for Bedford’s town supervisor. If that sounds like you, I urge you to cast your very important ballot for Ellen Calves. During my 10-plus years of living in Bedford, I’ve never met anyone who has accomplished so much in such a short time for our community, both as a highly productive current town board member and during her previous tenure at Bedford 2030.
It’s truly exciting to imagine what can be possible for Bedford with Ellen as our next town supervisor. Her background in law, finance and administration plus her expertise in sustainability and climate change make her exceptionally well qualified for the role. Beyond maintaining day-to-day town operations, we also need a leader who can steer our board to plan and invest wisely for our collective future. These forecasting abilities are crucial for the uncertain times we live in now. We all well know it’s not a matter of “if” but of “when” we face a new set of events that will challenge Bedford, be it the next big storm or phase of the pandemic. Ellen has shown us that she possesses the strategic planning abilities and sound, decisive leadership that meets the challenges at hand while always holding the focus of what is best for Bedford.
Diana DeCuBellis, Katonah

Offers a vision that builds local economy and community resilience
In Oct. 15 guest columns in The Record-Review, the candidates for Bedford Town Supervisor laid out their action plan. Ellen Calves detailed what she has accomplished for the town and what she will do as town supervisor in her column (“A recipe for managing change”). Her opponent passionately explained the need to remove party labels (“A vote for nonpartisan government”). Glaringly, not a word about what he would do for the town.
We need a town supervisor focused on the Town of Bedford’s issues with a vision that builds our local economy and increases community resilience. We need a town supervisor that takes a holistic view, one that can balance seemingly competing demands and find an innovative solution. In working with Ellen Calves at Bedford 2030, where I am on the board, I have seen Ellen take competing interests and develop actionable solutions, maximizing benefits for all while on a shoestring budget. Given how passionate people are about climate change and Bedford’s natural beauty, this is no easy feat. Ellen works to understand issues, holds them in her heart and finds a solution that works across the community. She has an inquisitive mind with a long-term vision that brings people together. This is why she has passionate bipartisan support. Vote Ellen Calves for Bedford Town Supervisor if you want a visionary leader with transparent, actionable ideas and the ability to deliver community-oriented results.
Karen Simons, Bedford
Forthcoming about her record, stands behind party affiliation
We are writing in support of Ellen Calves for town supervisor. Ellen is best suited for this position due to her vast experience and her ability to get things done. The League of Women Voters Forum held last week confirmed for us that Ellen is the best choice.
Ellen is open and honest and cares deeply for the community. Her work with Bedford 2020 and on the town board during the pandemic exemplify this dedication. She is committed to keeping taxes as low as possible while protecting the town’s reserves and ensuring that all three hamlets are not only maintained but thrive.
Unlike her opponent, Don Scott, who mischaracterizes his record regarding tax rates while he was on the town board, Ellen is forthcoming about her record. She also stands behind her party affiliation, unlike Mr. Scott who claims to disdain party affiliation but who is still running as a Republican.
We proudly support Ellen and know that as town supervisor she will be open and honest and will serve all members of the community.
Rebecca and Jeremy Sussman, Bedford Hills
Attention to quality-of-life issues will enhance Bedford’s appeal
I’m writing to add my voice to the chorus of support for Ellen Calves for Bedford Town Supervisor. I’ve been honored to know Ellen for several years, first in her role as program director at Bedford 2030, and more recently as a member of the town board.
Ellen will make a terrific town supervisor. She has both the skills and the temperament for the job. Her deep commitment to Bedford is matched by her understanding of the diverse needs of the hamlets. Ellen’s attention to quality-of-life issues (e.g., empty storefronts, environmental concerns, open space initiatives) will serve to make Bedford a welcome destination for visitors and an even more desirable place to live.
Ellen is personable, smart, diplomatic and kind. She is always solution-focused and forward-looking. Our entire community will benefit from having Ellen Calves as town supervisor.
Debbie Mullin, Pound Ridge
Forward-thinking, collaborative, hardworking and honest
Forward-thinking, collaborative, hardworking and honest — that is who Ellen Calves is and this is why I am supporting her and urging others to join me.
The Town of Bedford needs a supervisor who can lead us to become all that we can be as a community. Ellen understands the opportunities and has concrete plans to make our town more livable, equitable and sustainable (financially and in the face of climate change). She also understands the challenges and, importantly, is able to collaborate with stakeholders to find solutions.
Ellen is tireless and puts in all of the time it takes to research and understand the issues and to enable conversation to reach consensus. I have seen this first-hand in her role on the town board and as program manager at Bedford 2020 (now Bedford 2030).
We need a leader who actively seeks different points of view to achieve results. This leader is Ellen Calves.
Join me in voting for Ellen Calves for Bedford Town Supervisor.
Karen Sabath, Katonah
A candidate with the right focus on people, solutions and Bedford’s future
Reading The Record-Review’s candidates’ guest columns, side by side, makes it clear why Ellen Calves is the obvious choice for Bedford Town Supervisor.
Ellen talks about people, solutions and the future. Her service to Bedford encompasses these themes while serving as town board member and deputy supervisor. They are at the heart of her campaign, echoed in the League of Women Voters forum. She understands the needs of residents, business owners and community groups. She listens and connects with people, fundamental to understanding concerns and solving problems.
Don Scott talks about politics and problems. He is running a race from another era, leveling criticisms without solutions and pining for the past. While there may be merit in unifying local politics, his party line reads like a Republican playbook. His column does not mention town residents and future goals. He criticizes town board actions taken during his tenure, not sharing responsibility, while taking credit for actions approved by the full board during that time. He can’t have it both ways.
At 66 years old, I reflect on the “good old days,” which if we’re really being honest, were at best good for some but not for all and maybe not as good as our selective memory has it. More importantly, in my 33 years as a Bedford Hills resident, I say with certainty that today’s issues are way more complex and challenging than in the good old days.
We need to be forward thinking and innovative. With a leader like Ellen, who is nimble, responsive and expansive, we will ensure that Bedford fosters growth with room for all to thrive in a way that is both sustainable and viable.
I’m casting my vote for Ellen Calves for town supervisor and I hope that you will, too.
Lisa Schwartz, Bedford Hills
Has experience and knowledge to continue Bedford’s environmental leadership
Ellen Calves has helped make Bedford an environmental leader in New York state as the former program director at Bedford 2030. She has led numerous initiatives to reduce energy waste, increase recycling, improve air and water quality, boost clean energy, promote sustainable food and protect natural resources. Ellen helped pass the town’s reusable bag legislation and chairs the town’s Climate Smart Communities team. As a former environmental attorney and sustainable fund manager, she understands the complexities and the cost benefits of sustainable infrastructure and initiatives and has brought this insight and operating experience to her current position as Bedford’s deputy town supervisor. When elected as town supervisor, she will continue Bedford’s environmental leadership with policies that will fight climate denial and improve our quality of life, save us money, reduce our carbon footprint and make our town healthier and more resilient in the future.
Based on my experience as founder and first chairwoman of the Bedford Tree Advisory Board, I know those who are truly interested in protecting the environment should vote across Row A to elect Calves, along with her running mates Andrés Castillo-Quintana and Stephanie McCaine for town board, Boo Fumagalli for town clerk and Jodi Kimmel for town justice, to help keep Bedford moving forward together.
Jane Schewior, Katonah
A detailed policy-based campaign focusing on key Bedford issues
With early voting and Election Day looming, voters can now reflect on Bedford’s current local election campaigns. The Democrats have conducted a detailed policy-based campaign focusing on such key issues as infrastructure, the environment, hamlet vitality, budgets, safety, housing, and other proposals. Their campaign expenditure reports have been filed in a timely and complete manner and they’ve adhered to rules regarding lawn signs, mailing lists and other matters. The Republicans, unfortunately, have not articulated much in the way of specific plans, other than making claims about taxes, which, according to The Record-Review editorial (“A look at a big tax hike,” Oct. 15), are either misleading or demonstrate an astounding lack of understanding of municipal finance. Many of their financial filings have been late and incomplete. They’ve created a bogus political party on an additional ballot line, disingenuously calling themselves “bipartisan,” though their candidates all are or have been Republicans. Despite this duplicity, they’ve claimed they’re being criticized simply for being Republicans, conveniently ignoring they don’t seem to have the pride or integrity to either publicly acknowledge the support of the New York State Republican Party or break with the party following its Westchester fundraiser for Donald Trump this summer (including a cheering group of acknowledged White Supremacist supporters) and run on a single, truly independent ballot line. Conversely, Bedford’s Democrats are the true bipartisan choice as their slate on Row “A” consists of both Republican and Democratic candidates.
In the voting booth it comes down to the values we need our town leaders to embody. Honesty, transparency, inclusion, fairness and serious policy proposals — or questionable campaign tactics and little in the way of new ideas? Democrat or Republican, choose the best candidates. Ellen Calves, Andrés Castillo-Quintana, Boo Fumagalli, Jodi Kimmel, Stephanie McCain and Erika Peirce will move Bedford forward together.
Allison Chernow and Lloyd Trufelman, Katonah
Incredibly supportive of efforts to raise awareness of stillbirth
Not many people want to talk about pregnancy and infant loss, but Ellen Calves and Erika Pierce are two rare exceptions.
We lost our first child, our daughter Alana, two days before her due date in 2013. The vast majority of people I share this with look away and quickly change the subject; they don’t want to think about the fact that if it happened to me in my perfectly normal, healthy pregnancy, it can happen to anyone. But not Ellen and Erika.
I met these remarkable women through their efforts in local activism. Not only are they empathetic and kindhearted, but also passionate problem solvers. When they see something wrong in our community, they don’t waste time placing blame or making excuses. They simply get to work.
It’s no surprise, then, that both of these candidates have been so incredibly supportive of efforts to raise awareness of stillbirth and empower families to advocate for themselves and their babies to lower their risks.
As a Bedford Town Board member and through her environmental efforts with Bedford 2030, Ellen Calves has consistently demonstrated that she knows how to set all the right people and pieces in motion to execute a plan. That is the leadership we need, not only for Bedford, but when it comes to promoting empowered pregnancy, something Ellen has vocally supported.
Likewise, Erika Pierce in her time as legislative aide for Kitley Covill went above and beyond on several occasions to shine a spotlight on safer pregnancy resources with Westchester government and to connect community advocates with influencers across the county to further our reach. And she has been a tireless supporter of my personal efforts to be a voice for the babyloss community.
A vote for these candidates is a vote for competence, compassion and change.
Samantha Banerjee, Katonah
William Shatner’s message is driven home at election time
Many of us saw William Shatner, tearfully awestruck by his experience of shooting through Earth’s life-giving blanket of thin, blue, skin — into “sudden, boundless, black death” as he said in one interview. He said everyone needs to have the experience so they can know the fragility of the planet. We all have to clean up our act.
This truth is driven home by “Our Moment of Choice,” a most timely book that should be required reading in schools. A global shift in consciousness away from self-interest is what’s going to save our planet, with its entirely interconnected life. The book offers wonderful ways to facilitate global healing, which must grow from grassroots.
Here in Bedford our grassroots are lucky indeed, considering the interconnected crises that cover the Earth. Thus, both parties have nearly identical local goals — inclusivity, enliven the hamlets, fiscal responsibility. But Ellen Calves’ broader work experience along with nearly two years on the town board enable her to see and support not only the individual needs of our hamlets and Bedford as a whole , but also embrace Bedford’s responsibilities to the environment as a whole.
The measures that Ellen will deliver to support our climate also support people right here in Bedford. Environmental projects like the sewers, which protect the water and improve our quality of life; land preservation that protects ecosystems and keeps our town beautiful; electrification of transportation and buildings, which supports a clean energy future and makes our air less polluted; efficiency in buildings, which saves energy and money; and better recycling and reuse, which reduces waste and causes less pollution. Ellen has the experience, expertise and enthusiasm to accomplish our climate action goals while at the same time doing what is in the best interest of the people of Bedford.
Janeen Sudaka-Karlsson, Bedford Hills
Extremely competent person with ideas and drive to move Bedford forward
I am writing to express my enthusiastic support of Ellen Calves for Bedford Town Supervisor.
I’ve known Ellen since we were kids, so I have the privilege of having seen her intelligence, drive and determination for years. I also have seen firsthand her dedication to the Town of Bedford through her work at Bedford 2030, Katonah Village Improvement Society and now as a member of the Bedford Town Board.
Ellen and I both moved to Katonah around the same time and reconnected as she pivoted from her legal career and began her work as the program director for Bedford 2030. During this time, Ellen also served with me on the board of KVIS, where she successfully managed a variety of projects and responsibilities. No task ever seems too big or too small for Ellen. She dives in, asks the right questions, learns everything she needs to know and then sees the work to fruition. Given her tenacity and smarts, it was no surprise to me that Ellen would run for and be elected to the town board, where she has since chaired the Police Reform Committee, passed important energy legislation, organized the volunteer response to the COVID crisis and currently serves as deputy supervisor.
I could go on about her accomplishments, but the heart of the matter is that Ellen is a community builder who works tirelessly to develop connections with all the stakeholders on an issue in order to find the best possible outcome for Bedford and its residents.
She does her homework on an issue and knows the topic in depth, so she can speak factually and thoughtfully about all aspects of the matter, never in vague generalities. She is quite simply an extremely competent person who has both the ideas and drive to move Bedford forward while providing the outstanding leadership she has demonstrated her entire life.
Please join me in voting to elect Ellen Calves as Bedford Town Supervisor.
Teryn Kendall, Katonah
Work on police reform committee showed outstanding managerial talent
It is my great pleasure and duty as a civic-minded citizen living in Bedford to write in support of Ellen Calves in her quest to be elected town supervisor.
I was privileged to be a member of Ellen’s team on the statewide Review, Reform and Re-invention of the police departments.
Ellen was an outstanding leader, responsible for reviewing the Bedford Police Department. She sagely directed a diverse, disparate group of volunteers to carry out a major review of existing police practices, soliciting and analyzing feedback from the community, to identify and address areas to modify and improve.
I observed, with great admiration, how adroitly Ellen manages people, solves problems, gets results, delegating but not abdicating, responsibility. Ellen clarified the vision and mission of the group, maintained our motivation to contribute and to deliver on-time excellent recommendations to seek improvement in what already is an outstanding police department.
As country manager of Procter & Gamble Central America, VP-Marketing of PepsiCo Japan, and VP of Kraft Foods Latin America, one of my most consequential responsibilities was to specifically identify the best talent available to lead the organizations to achieve continuing growth and success. I evaluated Ellen’s managerial talent and skills using similar standards, and she came through with flying colors. She is a supremely competent, creative, visionary leader, with a proven track record. She listens to people, understands their needs and wants, and with staff and advisors, will develop effective strategies to achieve desired outcomes.
I earnestly recommend my fellow citizens to cast their vote for Ellen, who will be an outstanding town supervisor, and we hope that your paper will endorse her as the best, most qualified, candidate.
Francisco Pedraza, Katonah
Will continue her support as advocate for seniors in need
It is a great awakening and revealing to serve as volunteer on the Senior Advisory Committee as we uncover the vast untold need of often invisible seniors in the Town of Bedford. We have been working closely with Ellen Calves, who attends all our meetings with deep concern, listening to our senior advocate Rosemary Vorel as she reports her findings. Ellen has responded with a clear understanding of the need to allocate town funding to hire a full-time advocate, the need for affordable senior housing in town, and the need to have more outreach programs and services for this community while assuring their safe, connected, comfortable remaining years.
I am confident Ellen will continue to support and advocate for seniors who are in need. She continues to demonstrate her care, knowledge and experience to tackle a wide variety of issues facing our town.
Gina Shea, Bedford Hills
Natural leader with sound approach to solving community challenges
I am pleased to endorse Ellen Calves for supervisor of the Town of Bedford. Having seen her work as a fellow board member of Bedford 2020 (now Bedford 2030), I have observed her tireless work for the community and her depth of commitment to its people. I have seen Ellen work with students and teachers on school recycling and student environmental leadership, organize farmers and food banks around sustainable food solutions, bring residents cost and energy saving opportunities, collaborate with research institutions to evaluate local impact, and bring together experts and county leaders around important energy and waste reduction policies. She is a natural leader with a sound approach to solving community challenges.
Richard Ottinger, Former U.S. Representative and Dean Emeritus, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University
One candidate sees Bedford’s best days are ahead of us
I know that both candidates for Bedford Town Supervisor are good people who care deeply for our community. The difference is that Ellen Calves sees the best days of Bedford are ahead of us. Don Scott thinks that the best days are in our past.
Ellen looks to the future with hope and plans that are built on what we love about Bedford and applying her own significant experience in running Bedford 2030 and as an environmental lawyer.
Fred Silverman, Bedford Hills
Leader’s skills can be a game changer for smart economic growth
We are writing in support of Ellen Calves’ candidacy for Bedford Town Supervisor. Her leadership can be a game changer for the smart economic growth we need in town.
Over the years, we have been impressed by Ellen’s business acumen, her openness to fresh ideas and her drive to overcome hurdles. As Katonah residents for the last 25 years, we have a vested interest in our town flourishing. While there has been a lot of talk about revitalizing our hamlets over the years, there has not been much action. In a post-COVID world, we cannot leave this to chance.
Having discussed her vision, we are enthusiastic about a thriving Bedford under Ellen’s leadership. Her background in finance and law plus her years of civic activity in Bedford make her a strong candidate to steer the town to a new chapter in economic growth. She has been integral to the “Art in Store” initiative, just one step in attracting visitors and businesspeople to Katonah, by connecting with landlords and filling empty storefronts with beautiful art. Ellen understands that economic development requires a complex strategy that includes relationship-building with shopkeepers and landlords, active listening with stakeholders and attention to details like proactive infrastructure resilience to protect our businesses as severe weather events present ever-growing threats. She has plans to start a townwide business initiative, something discussed but never accomplished. As we have seen, when Ellen embarks on a project, it gets done.
Please join us and vote for Ellen for town supervisor. Let’s put her in the driver’s seat where her skills and vision can fill the empty storefronts and make Bedford the destination it was meant to be.
Joseph and Roberta Kelleher, Katonah
Has the vision to push Bedford into the inclusive, fiscally sound future
When I first joined the Bedford Town Board in 2018, I imagined that I would run for supervisor one day. It took me very little time to realize that I was not at all suited to the job, nor was it suited to me. I did not understand until I was on the board myself that the supervisor position requires an incredibly varied range of skills, and that merely serving on the town board does not necessarily make a person qualified to lead the town.
Ellen Calves, on the other hand, possesses these skills in abundance. I knew from her first week on the job that she would make a fantastic supervisor. When COVID struck two months after she started and the rest of us were adrift and reeling, Ellen got to work: she organized a thorough compendium of online resources; she put together a volunteer effort to help seniors; she met with department heads, local retailers and restaurant-owners to figure out how to enable safe outdoor dining. Ellen began her term navigating one of the biggest crises our town has ever contended with, and she did so with energy, imagination and thoughtfulness.
As I’ve come to learn, Ellen is a veritable font of innovation and ideas, and she possesses the organizational, intellectual and managerial skills to implement them. With her legal background and her work in finance and nonprofit governance, she has a breadth of experience and education that will prove incredibly useful in the multifaceted role of town supervisor.
I have served on the town board with both of the current candidates for supervisor; I count them both as my friends, and I know they both have the best interests of the town at heart. But it is Ellen Calves who has the vision to move Bedford forward, past the trauma of COVID and the last 20 months and into a sustainable, inclusive and fiscally sound future that serves all residents of Bedford.
Kate Galligan, Katonah
Tenacity to tackle a myriad of problems that continue to confront us
My husband, Chevy Chase, and I care deeply about this community. We’re all in this together, facing increasing uncertainties — the stress of the COVID pandemic and our capricious weather patterns are downright scary. We believe that our local leadership is vitally important to our well-being. It’s clear to us that Ellen Calves is a strong leader with the steadfast vision and tenacity we need to overcome the myriad of problems that have and will continue to confront us.
In the face of increasing severe weather events, Ellen has plans for long-term infrastructure resilience that include energy and grid stability, emergency planning, food security and mitigation of increased stormwater runoff. You’re not hearing this from her opposing slate; instead they’re deflecting with party politicking. Ellen and the entire Democratic slate are bringing substance to the table, and the accomplishments to back it up.
Ellen has detailed plans for smart economic growth and a meaningful track record of bringing projects from start to completion. I know Ellen will get things done, unlike her opponent, who talks about revitalizing the hamlets yet has nothing to show for it. Ellen’s ability to collaborate and to foster community has helped her build relationships with the business communities in every hamlet.
Through her work as an environmental attorney and organizer, Ellen has learned the importance of preserving our trails and parks and improving the walkability of the town, which led her to spearhead efforts to save the town energy and money through the NYStretch Energy Code, freeing up our taxpayer dollars for other services.
Please join me and vote row A on Nov. 2. Ellen Calves is the leader we need, and the Democrats have proven their abilities. Don’t vote for them because they’re Democrats. Vote for them because they’re getting the job done.
Jayni Chase, Bedford
Handled divisive policing issue with leadership, backbone and empathy
I am writing in response to the letter written by the Boyds (“Only one candidate has town experience essential to be town CEO,” Oct. 1) that understated the importance of the Police Reform Committee and seemed to misunderstand completely its purpose.
The Police Reform Committee was a mandated review of every police force in New York state by then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the wake of George Floyd. The mission and the timeline were precise: to determine the presence of racial bias or indiscriminate policing by local police departments in a 10-month period, and to make specific recommendations.
Ellen Calves was appointed by then-Bedford Town Supervisor Chris Burdick to oversee a complex and time sensitive undertaking. And she delivered.
I know, because I was in the room. I witnessed firsthand how Ms. Calves elucidated Mr. Cuomo’s mandate, assembled a team and assigned committees, set goals and delivery dates, identified key stakeholders, facilitated tense discussions and reached consensus among groups with disparate points of view. Ms. Calves demonstrated leadership, backbone and empathy. Policing has become a divisive issue today, and Ms. Calves artfully avoided politics in the interest of getting the work done with great respect to our community, the committee members and our police department. Under her leadership, the committee delivered seven concrete recommendations, and established the new Police Community Group (existence of which the Boyds confuse with the mandated committee) to ensure implementation. Ms. Calves delivered the report to the state on time, with specific metrics to gauge success. This task required vision, skill and oversight, and significant funding hinged upon its successful completion.
We need a town supervisor who is nimble, thoughtful, smart, apolitical and interested only in the best interests of the town. I know that Ms. Calves is the right person for the job because I have watched her in action.
Wendy Belzberg, Bedford Hills
Will move us toward policies that reflect the Bedford of tomorrow
Please join me in helping Ellen Calves become our next Bedford supervisor.
Working closely with Ellen for the past six years, I believe she has unique awareness, skills and practical experience that we need at this particular time to get us through these difficult times, and make us a more resilient, thriving and economically vibrant community. Reading the comments and responses by Ellen and Don Scott in last week’s Record-Review, I like the leadership tone of the initiatives that Ellen offers us in so many areas that need attention, while Don seems less involved with bringing people and departments together to resolve tough questions, but he simply echoes some of her initiatives, and focuses primarily on lowering taxes. Ellen will keep us below the tax cap, but this job is about so much more. She understands our financial issues very well and will be both practical and prudent. Planning is very important and she will listen carefully to people to develop a sense of the key activities and budgets that need attention by bringing people together.
As supervisor, she would have the authority to set the board agenda, which is the key to getting things done. Working with Don Scott as a board member will not get things done. This is not Don’s time of five years ago; things and issues of today need not only sound experience, which Ellen brings, but a new look at how to efficiently foster and create ways to bridge the many differing opinions and needs of today, while moving us toward new policies that reflect the Bedford of tomorrow.
Ellen knows Bedford well, is hard working, locally focused and a great communicator. She’s a lawyer, she knows the key role the supervisor has on the town board, motivates people easily and will make things happen.
Please vote for Ellen Calves in November.
Peter Kuniholm, Katonah
Worked tirelessly to find common ground between parties
Whatever their affiliation, I believe that all candidates in Bedford are genuinely invested in the well-being of our town. That said, Ellen Calves stands out. I have worked with her on many projects, such as the TIOLI shed for sharing household items, Bedford’s Community Composting and the Reusable Bag Project. I was always surprised at how Ellen came up with creative answers and impressed at how tirelessly she worked to find common ground between different parties. Ellen shows a tremendous involvement in local matters, but at the same time she has a deep awareness of bigger global and environmental issues.
I support Ellen Calves because as a supervisor she will not just care for everyone in our community, but she will also do everything in her power to secure a healthy future for those after us.
Filippine Hoogland, Bedford
Demonstrates a deep-rooted interest in seeing change in Bedford
Ellen Calves has won my vote and I encourage others to cast your support for Ellen as town supervisor. Our family is relatively new to this town, so we came to Katonah/Bedford with no experience with any of the candidates, but it has been only Ellen who reached out to us and taken the time to meet with us personally to discuss her plans for Bedford and begin to build a team of residents and experts who can turn ideas into actions.
Ellen’s résumé and experience are very impressive, but it is her deep-rooted interest in seeing change that convinced me of her merit as town supervisor. Real change in a town like Bedford begins at an individual and family level, and Ellen has demonstrated the willingness and ability to meet with Bedford residents and listen. Equally important, she has the personality and leadership to bring the committees and task forces together and get things done.
I am excited to see where Bedford will be under Ellen’s guidance. Change begins this November.
Jeff Muti, Bedford
Praises ‘great work’ on sewers and other community projects
I am writing in support of the Bedford Democratic slate as they will continue the great work they have developed over the past few years such as focusing on local issues like park districts, and aiding seniors, along with a Climate Action Plan to adapt against worsening storms along with many community projects benefiting the residents and the town with minimal costs. The Bedford Democratic Board completed Phase 1 of the Sewer Project benefiting the Katonah, Bedford Hills Business District, and embarked on Phase 2 along with exploring a Bedford Village wastewater project expansion to improve the Bedford Village business district. This was enacted under the leadership of Ellen Calves who will be an excellent town supervisor, along with Stephanie McCain and Andres Castillo for town board.
Thomas Rocchio, Bedford
A strategic thinker who isn’t afraid to tackle complex challenges
Ellen Calves is an impressive, effective leader who will make the Bedford community a better place. Over the past seven years, I have had the good fortune to work side by side with Ellen at Bedford 2020/2030 and Katonah Village Improvement Society, as well as on community volunteer projects. Time and again, I have seen the fruits of Ellen’s labor, along with her intelligence, passion and forward thinking, strengthen our community. For these reasons, and many others, I support Ellen for Bedford Town Supervisor.
Ellen has played a significant role in making Bedford a more sustainable community. As program director at Bedford 2020 and as a community volunteer, Ellen steered the creation and launch of community resources to reduce waste, including the Community Compost drop-off and pick-up programs, the reusable bag initiative and the Take It or Leave It Shed, among others. As director and coordinator of the Greenlight Award program, Ellen has empowered hundreds of local high school students to become environmental leaders. Ellen has also taken a crucial leadership role in successful efforts to reduce energy use and adopt clean energy in our community.
Ellen is a strategic thinker. She knows how to set and achieve goals. She is a creative and determined problem solver, and she has a track record of bringing people together to collaborate on a shared vision. Ellen is not afraid of complex issues or challenges. She approaches everything with a can-do attitude and puts 100% into her work.
Please join me in voting for Ellen Calves for Bedford Town Supervisor on Nov. 2. I’ll do so knowing that it’s a vote for our community.
Midge Iorio, Katonah
Offers exceptional record of implementing plans and following through
I’m writing in agreement with the Oct. 1 letter stating that only one candidate has the experience essential to be town CEO, but it’s not who they think: it’s Ellen Calves.
The writer states that Don Scott has the necessary experience because he served on the town board for five years. Anyone can sit on a board for five years, but does that make a town supervisor? While we are often reminded that Mr. Scott held a board seat for five years, no one cites any accomplishments. Since announcing his run he has opined about politics, parties and signs. Why won’t he talk about accomplishments and policy? He criticizes his opponents yet offers no solutions.
Ms. Calves, on the other hand, accomplished quite a bit in her time on the town board, and she has experience in law, finance, organizing, sustainability and business. Upon announcing her run for supervisor, Ms. Calves shared her accomplishments to that point and her plans for future projects — some unsurprisingly already underway. Ellen’s track record of implementing plans and following through is exceptional.
You won’t find social media posts or videos of Ellen politicking, talking partisanship, making unfounded accusations, or engaging in behaviors that detract from the real issues.
I’m proud to vote for Ellen Calves for town supervisor. She has the experience, integrity and accomplishments under her belt to be the town CEO.
Diana Berman, Bedford Hills
Demonstrates collaborative nature and creative problem-solving strategies
I fully support Ellen Calves as town supervisor. Her collaborative nature and creative problem-solving strategies enable her to get the job done.
I have approached her on a few community issues and she has always responded quickly and insightfully. She makes it a point to site what she feels will have a large community impact.
Her law school background has enabled her to step to the plate.
Her experiences in Bedford include the town board, program director for Bedford 2030, KLSD Arts Live and the Katonah Village Improvement Society. She chairs the Climate Smart Communities Task Force.
The town supervisor is the top administrator in town. She has the background to make effective changes. She now has the track record to prove what she can do.
I hope our town will have a strong election turnout and will elect Ellen Calves for town supervisor.
Lynn Parodneck, Pound Ridge
Incomparable background in law, business, finance and environmentalism
I am writing in enthusiastic support of Ellen Calves for town supervisor in Bedford.
I worked with her closely as a volunteer for Bedford 2020 (now Bedford 2030) and have followed her career since that time. I found her to be incredibly enthusiastic about our community, hardworking, knowledgeable and a real leader. I know she will carry her leadership style, her commitment and her expertise into the position of town supervisor and will create new, thoughtful and exciting opportunities and development for our town.
Ellen has an incomparable background in the law, business, finance and environmentalism. There is only one candidate for supervisor who can boast those credentials and Bedford deserves a leader with the knowledge, experience and skills to keep us moving forward.
Anyone can fill a board seat but it takes a hardworking, innovative leader to add the value that Ellen has. Actual accomplishments and competence are the focus. Not tenure in a position, but what they do with their time in the position. Ellen has more than proven herself during her time on the board. Some of the things she has accomplished to make our town a better place include chairing the Police Reform Committee, implementing innovative energy conservation initiatives and the Curbside Compost Pilot Program and implementing COVID-related initiatives to keep us safe while assisting businesses through this troubling time.
Wendy Breitner, Bedford Hills
Fosters interpersonal connections that keep community healthy and strong
As physicians and residents of Bedford for more than 15 years, we care deeply about the health of our neighbors, community and environment. We strongly believe Ellen Calves’ leadership as Bedford town supervisor will be critical to our collective well-being.
What makes Ellen a superb leader? First, she listens. Rather than making assumptions, Ellen gathers information to understand situations from multiple viewpoints. She seeks input from residents, businesses, and community groups before formulating proposals and solutions. This kind of open dialogue fosters healthy discussion, recognizing our diverse concerns in a welcoming and inclusive way.
Second, Ellen implements solutions. Ellen excels at translating ideas into action. She is tenacious in her dedication to completing projects, handling issues as they arise and keeping her focus on outcomes that improve our daily lives.
Third, the foundation of Ellen’s work is public service. True to this ethic, she cares for the most vulnerable among us. When the pandemic caused dangerous isolation for seniors, Ellen identified individuals in need of help. She then recruited volunteers to assist these seniors with grocery delivery, household chores, and transportation to medical appointments. Ellen fosters the kind of interpersonal connections that keep our community healthy and strong.
Finally, Ellen is an environmental champion. As program director of Bedford 2020, Ellen worked tirelessly on a campaign that achieved a 44% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. As a Bedford town board member, she recently helped pass one of the most aggressive Climate Action Plans in New York state. Ellen also led Bedford to adopt a new energy code that reduced our municipal energy bills. She will fight for the clean air, clean water and sustainable practices that are essential to our long-term well-being.
Please join us in supporting this prescription for a healthy Bedford: Ellen Calves for town supervisor.
Cynthia Braun, M.D. and Erich Braun, M.D., Katonah
Someone who anticipates how current events will impact future
What makes a good town supervisor? Is it someone who maintains the status quo? Or someone who looks ahead and anticipates how current events will impact our future and then prepares for them? Take, for example, the COVID lockdown. Ellen Calves immediately realized that this isolation would hit our seniors the hardest. As a natural problem-solver, she started calling seniors to identify their most pressing needs. She then put together a volunteer group to meet those needs — a hot meal, books and DVDs from the Katonah Village Library, groceries, or a supply of face masks.
Ellen is also a natural at community building. She has worked with many of Bedford’s organizations and diverse populations to help them turn their visions for our town into a reality. She has created a committee drawn from members of the community to work with the Bedford Police to develop initiatives to improve our town’s response to threats of all kinds. She has been a strong supporter of Bedford’s sewer projects, the renovation of community projects and the development of affordable housing. She has initiated many energy-saving programs that have lessened our town’s carbon footprint, in addition to lowering our utility costs. She has worked with the Katonah Chamber of Commerce to support our local businesses, including adding art in our downtown areas. Along with her colleagues on the Democratic slate for town board, Ellen has worked hard to build strong alliances among Bedford’s diverse organizations. Now, that’s a united Bedford.
The job of town supervisor calls for a leader who is forward thinking, someone who has the ability to bring people together, and has the ideas and vision to steer Bedford toward a thriving future. That someone is Ellen Calves; let’s vote to make her Bedford’s town supervisor.
Barb Chintz, Katonah
A candidate with vision, energy and intelligence
It is a pleasure to write to urge all voters in the Town of Bedford to cast their vote for Ellen Calves for supervisor on Nov. 2.
I have worked with Ellen at Bedford 2020, so I speak with firsthand knowledge of what a pleasure she is to work with. She is cordial, respectful and collegial. People love working with her. In addition, she is excellent at getting things done. While at Bedford 2020, for example, she was instrumental in getting the town to adopt one of the most aggressive Climate Actions Plans in the state.
As a member of the town board, during COVID she worked with local merchants and restaurants to allow mask distribution and also outdoor dining. She was instrumental in the Art in Store project which brought art to our empty storefronts. This accomplished two things — it helped bring life to the town while helping artists show their work.
In addition, Ellen took on the chairmanship of the Police Reform Committee which resulted in positive changes to the Bedford Police, including improved community relations, transparency and accountability.
Ellen is a person with vision. She is committed to improving things. She is a lawyer by training and she brings tremendous energy and intelligence to whatever she does. I could not be more excited than by the prospect of Ellen Calves becoming the next Bedford town supervisor.
Vickie Morris, Katonah