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Image by George Berberich


Bedford is an incredible place to live. We have three unique hamlets surrounded by natural beauty, engaged citizens, and a community committed to making this place, and the world, better. Together we can do so much. 

Image by Jessica Furtney


Modern Businesswoman


Image by Shane Rounce


Over the past six years in Bedford as Program Director at Bedford 2030 and then as a Town Board Member, I have driven forward a long term vision around bold climate action and sustainability, organized and involved community members, and produced innovative solutions that are good for people, budgets, and the environment. I know how to do this in Bedford. If you elect me as your Supervisor, I look forward to carrying forward this vision with you.

Economic Vitality

As Supervisor, I will address COVID-19 recovery by embracing investments that get our economic flywheel turning.


I want to leverage our world-class arts institutions and the local arts scene to drive economic and social activity — employing public relations initiatives and an electric shuttle to support welcoming, inclusive, and accessible activity throughout town. 


I will support development of rentals and infrastructure to enable more living, parking, walking, and biking in town. I will also support cost-efficient programs for residents — to help those who have been most impacted by the pandemic to get back on their feet. 

Revitalization means making our hamlets robust centers of activity for residents and visitors. As Supervisor, I will continue to work with businesses and landlords in each hamlet to fill our storefronts, support community events, celebrate diversity, and support beautification efforts.


I will work with residents to find out what they want in their neighborhoods and support initiatives to create green spaces, protect land and natural beauty, develop housing and more — to support programs and collaborative solutions for all segments of the population to come together and thrive in our town.

Hamlet Strength


As Supervisor, I will continue Bedford’s environmental leadership with initiatives to improve our quality of life, save us money, and reduce our carbon footprint. As Supervisor, I will also work to make our town healthier and more resilient in the future.


Resiliency requires leadership that prioritizes good communication and strong connections. With increasing extreme weather events and climate change, it is essential that we improve infrastructure, anticipate services, and prepare for emergencies in advance, especially for those most vulnerable.

 I pledge to be a responsible steward of taxpayer money to get things done to improve residents’ lives. By working together, across all segments of town, an in inclusive and transparent way, we will find the best solutions. I will publicize ways for everyone to have a say. 


I will improve the website, social media, and materials available to navigate town applications and ordinances. I will support our town employees so they can support the town. I will actively engage and communicate with you and bring people together.

Responsive Government


Remember to vote on Election Day, November 7th or vote early, in-person from October 28 - November 5, 2023. For more information on voting and registration and more, click here.

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